Undocu Artist Ambassador Summer Internship

Fresno, CA
arte urgente

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We are looking for 5 to 7 artist ambassadors attending FCC, MCC or Fresno State for a paid internship with artist Caleb Duarte as part of the Arte Urgente Internship.

Arte Urgente aims to empower a team of artist ambassadors from the Central Valley, who are undocumented (or are DACA recipients), and first-generation college students. Students do not have to have formal training in the arts to participate in this group project but should be interested in one of the following: Painting, Music, Theatre, Poetry, Literature, and Fashion. Ambassadors will collaborate on a group project that can take the form of a sculpture, presentation, or exhibition that is imbued with memories, to be used in public interventions alongside oral histories. Ambassadors will disseminate this storytelling approach within their communities, fostering context for personal narratives. Performances will be staged in unconventional locations like backyards, fields, and government centers, challenging norms and serving as tangible expressions of survival, resistance, and joy.

The Internship consists of approximately 40 OR MORE hours of workshops in art making, storytelling, and community engagement. Ambassadors will be mentored by artist Caleb Duarte. The dates and times for our meeting will be decided collectively once the cohort is established. The model will be twice a week for a period of two hours to eventually plan for a larger Saturday workshop day.  

All ambassadors who complete the internship will receive a stipend of $1,000.00.

“Our ability to tell our stories is what validates our lived experience and resurfaces our ancestral knowledge.”

This project is funded in part by The Center For Cultural Power, Artist Disruptors Initiative, and the California Arts Council.

No Job Description. Find more information in profile details or social accounts

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