Allies of the Undocumented Communities

Employers & Allies

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Ready to access highly diverse professionals and underrepresented talent?

Submit your inquiry by Partnering with UndocuProfessionals and becoming an ally!

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  Post Undo and DACA friendly opportunities for free

Did you know that professionals/workers/interns that happen to be undocumented are elegible to work legally? Yes, undocumented professionals/workers/intern can work legally in the US as independent contractors/free lancers. Are you a business, organization or school looking for diversity, provide opportunities for underrepresentative groups, and/ or support the undocumented communities and are interested to open opportunities to the undocumented workers/professionals/interns? If yes, become partner and ally!

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For Professionals - Open to Work

Are you currently undocumented (non-DACA) and DACA recipient open to work? If so, Please fill out the form below. We will send you an email once a match of a job opportunity becomes available.

Professionals - Open to Work

Soon, see the most up-to-date online professionals portfolios of professionals and learn about more services that we offer. Please Help us to bring diverse and underrepresented professionals to organizations/businesses/schools by sharing our services and resources with your network.

Sharet Garcia


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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an UndocuProfessional Open to Hire?

A professional or someone transitioning to a professional that happens to be undocumented (with or without DACA) in any field open to be hired on a short or long term basis.

Can someone without a SSN be hired?

Yes, even if you do not have a SSN you can work legally in the US as an independent contractor and are encouraged to apply for job opportunities with UndocuProfessionals.

Who can apply for UndocuProfessionals Job Opportunities?

If you are currently undocumented (non-DACA) and DACA recipient open to work you are encouraged to create an online professional portfolio so we can find the best possible match for you.

Who is a “professional”?

A professional can be a student, someone just transitioning to the workforce, someone new in their profession, and someone with no experience. The goal of the UndocuProfessionals platform is to continue empowering the undocumented and underrepresented communities to remind ourselves that we are all professionals. We believe that anyone can be a professional that is in different positions in their career, education and personal journeys that deserve opportunities and should NOT be discriminated against because of immigration status.

Can I create an online professional portfolio even if I do not have experience?

Yes, you are highly encouraged to create an online professional portfolio without having any work experience.

What is an online professional portfolio?

An online professional portfolio is a collection of your work and information about you as a professional OR transitioning to a professional. Whereas a resume tells prospective employers about who you worked for and what you did, a portfolio gives examples and showcases your skills. E.g. an artist or writer. They can pull together published works and works of art and show them to potential employers. 

E.g. A marketer can have analytic reports that convey the success of their campaigns
E.g. An accountant can feature excel spreadsheets and formulas they’ve created to streamline an audit. 
E.g. An educator can feature initiatives, program development or Syllabus created and used in an educational environment.
E.g. A Business Administrator can showcase their business, business management strategies, and group meetings they have directed.

Today, you can begin your career journey earlier in the process by creating an online professional portfolio. With your consent your online professional portfolio can be added to the Open to Hire Page (coming soon on the website and newsletter) for recruiters to review and to be hired sooner.

What does an online professional portfolio include?

Important: Your Name will not be shared for Confidentiality reasons. If you do not have all the information to create a full or complete online portfolio it is OK. You do not need a full or complete portfolio to begin looking for job opportunities with UndocuProfessionals. Also, you can update your online professional portfolio as you continue your career journey.

Your online portfolio will include the following:

  • Job Position(s) You Are Open for Hiring. This section describes what you do, what you want to do, and what positions you are applying for.
  • To Market yourself. This section can include a cover letter, resume and/ or an elevator pitch which is 4-6 sentences that gives a quick summary of your professional background. 
  • Samples of your work. This section provides examples of your work by using pictures, job descriptions, results, or statistics.If you do work in a field where you produce samples, make sure you’re always featuring your best stuff.
  • Awards, degrees, certifications. All of the paperwork you’ve earned and collected over the years. Don’t be shy to shine and share your most important documents and the ones that will wow potential employers. Scan in copies of the documentation and remove your PERSONAL INFO for confidentiality reasons.
  • Letters of recommendation. This is great advice for people who don’t have a lot of professional experience, supporting documents or examples of work. Collecting these letters of referral will help you gain respect and authenticity, even if you’ve only been in the business for a few years or have NO experience in the field.
  • Anything else you feel is relevant. You know your achievements and your career goals best. Use this knowledge to create a portfolio that’s the best representation of your work possible. Don’t be shy and underestimate your talents and skills. Share with us your biggest accomplishments. 
  • To Market yourself. This section can include a cover letter, resume and/ or an elevator pitch which is 4-6 sentences that gives a quick summary of your professional background. 

Source: Zippia

Do I have to have an Online Professional Portfolio?

We do need an online Professional Portfolio to find the best match for you. The more complete your professional portfolio is the best match we can find for you. However, you do NOT need a complete portfolio to be considered for job opportunities. We can work with what you can provide and try to find the best match for you.

Can I update my Online Professional Portfolio?

Yes, you can update at any time.

What do I do if I am no longer available or open to hire?

Please email us at undocuprofessionals@hotmail and let us know that you are not available to hire so we can remove you. Also, please feel free to let us know when you are available to hire again without having to create a new online professional portfolio.

Are you an UndocuProfessional?

Join your community. Whether you are a student in College/University, entrepreneur, artist, writer, professional in any field such as; law, health, non-profit, or other, or advocate we have a community for you. Connect with other UndocuProfessionals & join the network. Are you currently open to work? If so, please click here.

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