Cohort 7: Empowerment Fellowship, ArteAmericas Placement

Fresno, CA
NONDACA and DACA Friendly
Education and Leadership Foundation

Listing Experiation

Opportunity Start date


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Arte Américas is offering a fellowship opportunity for individuals passionate about marketing and social media, and interested in operations administration.

As a Marketing and Social Media Fellow, you will play a crucial role in promoting our exhibitions, events, and programs through various digital platforms.

As an Operations Administration Fellow, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of our operations, including inventory management, grant writing, and onboarding processes.*Get up to $5,000 for 270 hrs of volunteering work. (Some restrictions apply)

Interested applicants must meet the following qualifications:

• Strong understanding of social media platforms and trends.

• Bilingual (Spanish and English)

• Written and verbal communication skills.

• Creative mindset.

• Ability to collaborate in a team environment.

• Passion for Latinx arts and cultures.

• Interest in learning about non-profit management and operations.

• Ability to collaborate within a team environment.

No Job Description. Find more information in profile details or social accounts

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