At six years old, I immigrated to the United States from Jalisco, Mexico. Since then, I’ve been residing in California where I obtained my Bachelor’s in Psychology and Master’s in Communication. Currently, I am pursing a doctorate in Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara. My research focuses on the experiences of undocumented immigrants. As an undocumented immigrant, I hope that my research can help create resources and tools for other undocumented immigrants—not just those who are labeled as “DREAMers”, but for all. I hope that this research can help undocumented immigrants gain upward mobility and reduce the stressors that our statuses create in our daily lives. #UndocumentedandUnafraid #SiSePuede
What the Undocuprofessionals means to you?
For me, UndocuProfessional means being able to use our different experiences and gained knowledge to help our communities have better lives.
Message for Undocumented Students and Professionals
The two recommendations that I can give UndocuStudents are: (1) Don’t be afraid to network and ask for help. Others’ gained experiences and knowledge can be helpful as we navigate spaces that were meant to keep us out; and, (2) Don’t stop being positive and hopeful. Our hope, positivity, and resilience are capable of moving oceans and mountains.